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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 4 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Utah, UT

location-map Utah , UT | (385) 412 6638

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I specialize in treating adults experiencing the effects of faith-related issues and/or sexual issues. Sex therapy may include addressing sexual shame, LGBTQ+ issues, anxiety, relationship issues, sexual dysfunction, libido differences, and sexual trauma. I am affirming of queer, non-monogamous, and kinky clients. Faith/religious issues may include faith transitions, mixed-faith marriages, excessive guilt, OCD tendencies, and limiting core beliefs. I am affirming of clients' personal values related to their faith, wherever they are on the spectrum of belief. I believe in a systems approach to therapy, meaning concerns in your life do not happen in isolation. I can help you address the specific issues you are facing by helping you find balance in your mental, emotional, physical, social, spiritual, and sexual health. I believe in the great psychotherapist, Irvin Yalom’s, practice of inventing a new therapy for every person. I am skilled in a variety of modalities including EMDR, ACT, CBT and DBT and will work with you to provide you with what you need to find healing and create real changes in your life. I would love to partner with you to help you bring your life into balance again.

location-map Utah , UT | (385) 279 5408

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Relate to any of these? You're an anxiety-prone high achiever with a brain that just never quits; sometimes the rumination and fear takes over and constricts your life. Or you’re struggling through a major shift in religious beliefs and identity, and trying to figure out what it all means for your life. Or you’re hurting, but people don’t seem to fully understand...maybe you even have a hard time understanding yourself; others throw advice and techniques at you but it doesn't help. If so, I can help you. I've been helping people just like you for 20 years. I use Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Person-Centered Therapy in my work, though I’m most interested in aligning with you to shape an approach that will work for your unique life. If you need someone skilled at helping people with faith transitions, or want some help reclaiming your life from anxiety, contact me today. I’m happy to consult with you before you decide whether or not you’d like me to be your therapist. Send me an email and I'll do my best to get back to you promptly.

location-map Utah , UT | (385) 220 6840

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My clients typically have experienced some form of trauma in their lives, to which we can utilize Brainspotting to help reconcile. I prefer to work in person, and I will come to you rather than work from an office. I also serve clients going through faith crisis, or who are struggling with LGBTQ+ issues. I have worked with families and youth in this regard. I also work with clients struggling with depression and anxiety. I have a unique therapy practice in that I will come to you. I do not have an office that I work out of. I prefer to come to you so that you are more at ease, rather than having to be in a stranger's office environment. Please reach out if you need assistance with trauma or PTSD, depression, anxiety, relationships issues, LGBTQ+ issues, are involved in polyamorous or consensual non-monogamy, and need help. Email and set up a free consultation to find if we are the right fit together.

location-map Utah , UT | (385) 217 6306

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I believe psychotherapy is the art of helping others to find inner peace and reach personal goals. Sadness, anxiety, anger and other non-peaceful feelings often result from trauma or difficult life events. How to deal with these feelings? It's very helpful to talk it over with, and get guidance from, someone who has insight and understanding -- and psychotherapy skills. This is what I consider to be my mission, to guide you toward resolving difficult situations and to improve your personal and relationship satisfaction -- and, to increase self-esteem, inner peace, confidence, and happiness. View 6 Photos I utilize therapeutic hypnosis and other processes to facilitate relaxation, enhance self-esteem, and -- especially -- to help you process and overcome painful deep-down injuries, tragedies, abuse and misunderstandings that create ongoing emotional pain and block your ability to achieve happiness and life goals. Specific topics we can address include: fears, sex, assault, spirituality and faith, guilt, PTSD, suicide, LGBTQ concerns, military experiences, parenting, school and occupational pressures. I've been a therapist and professor for many years -- and I'm also a reader, a swimmer, a musician, and a grandfather. Together, we can figure it out and get you peace.